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wclasterwclaster Member, University Professor Posts: 43 University Professor
Hello. I went through a few video tutorials about 2 months ago. They used the titanic data set. I cannot find those tutorials now. Does anyone know where they are? I think we finally ended up building a tree.


  • varunm1varunm1 Member Posts: 1,207 Unicorn
    Hello @wclaster

    Did you remember where you saw those tutorials? Is it on academy.rapidminer.com or youtube. Also, any inputs on the content in those tutorials?


    Be Safe. Follow precautions and Maintain Social Distancing

  • wclasterwclaster Member, University Professor Posts: 43 University Professor
    Thank you. It was a series of video tutorials on the Rapidminer site or within the Rapidminer application.
  • wclasterwclaster Member, University Professor Posts: 43 University Professor
    Oh, I found it. I thought it was videos but it is a set of tutorials within the application. Thank you for asking.
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