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association mining rule

sara20sara20 Member Posts: 110 Unicorn
edited May 2020 in Help

I made a process like this screen shot but unfortunately there is no result for that!
Can any one tell me why there is no result for that? Also I need one process for invoices to buy customers from the store. For example I need to know which two or three Commodities people buy with each other?

Thank you in advance for your answer

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    sara20sara20 Member Posts: 110 Unicorn
    Solution Accepted

    I find the problem that was for process and for data. The data should be nominal to binominal, also we should limit the data to the name of each thing that people buy and the number of them then change them in True and False.



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    sara20sara20 Member Posts: 110 Unicorn
    edited May 2020

    Thank you for the answer.I have a data in excel with 37500 rows but RM couldn't read all of them so I made a new data with around 5000 Rows and delete most of the columns now only I have 5 columns but still there is no result for that.
    Can you make any sample process that I see please?

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    sara20sara20 Member Posts: 110 Unicorn
    edited May 2020

    I have new data and did the same process for data in RM but there is no result for that. can any one tell me the reason?

    Thank you
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