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Date transposing changing the format

Process_InternProcess_Intern Member Posts: 13 Learner II
Hi all, 

My question seems to be simple but I cannot find the answer. I have some data with a date format that I need. My dates are at the columns level for the moment. For a reason, I need to transpose the table that I have. My date now becomes Row. My problem is that when I am transposing, the date format change and I don't know how to bring it back to the original format. I will post two screenshots below for a clearer image. For the moment, in the first picture, I am looking to transpose Row #1 into second screenshot Row #2 and #3. My date format as gone from regular to ten digits date that I cannot transform. Could somebody help me? 

Thank you


Best Answer

  • hbajpaihbajpai Member Posts: 102 Unicorn
    Solution Accepted
    Hey @Process_Intern
    In this case RapidMiner is converting your date time to UNIX timestamp. You can try to convert from date to nominal (for eg: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") before transpose, that would preserve the data structure for you.


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