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"W-GeneralizedSequentialPatterns Error"

cpc2cpc2 Member Posts: 18 Maven
edited May 2019 in Help
Hi, I want to find Sequential Patterns in my Data using the W-GeneralizedSequentialPatterns. I am getting the following error :

[Fatal] Process failed: W-GeneralizedSequentialPatterns caused an error: weka.core.NoSupportForMissingValuesException: weka.associations.GeneralizedSequentialPatterns: Cannot handle missing values!

But I am pretty sure that there are no missing values in the data. I am using  Customer_ID, date , Product_ID attributes which are not null and I even have a MissingValueReplenishment OP in my Process.

<operator name="Root" class="Process" expanded="yes">
    <operator name="DatabaseExampleSource" class="DatabaseExampleSource">
        <parameter key="database_system" value="PostgreSQL"/>
        <parameter key="database_url" value="xxx"/>
        <parameter key="username" value="xxx"/>
        <parameter key="password" value="xxx"/>
        <parameter key="query" value="select subject_id,date_entered,dim_product_id&#10;from basket&#10;where subject_id is not null and&#10;date_entered is not null and&#10;dim_product_id is not null &#10;order by 1&#10;&#10;"/>
    <operator name="Numerical2FormattedNominal" class="Numerical2FormattedNominal">
        <parameter key="use_grouping" value="true"/>
    <operator name="MissingValueReplenishment" class="MissingValueReplenishment">
        <list key="columns">
    <operator name="W-GeneralizedSequentialPatterns" class="W-GeneralizedSequentialPatterns">

Can anyone find the error or is using another OP for SequentialPatterns ?

Thanks in advance, Birger


  • landland RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 2,531 Unicorn
    I have no experience with this operator, but before our forum crashed there already was a solution using weka directly, I think. For those who prefer to stick with RapidMiner (and a gui), there's a commercial extension available providing a Generalized Sequential Patterns operator.

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