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date format

can anyone tell me how can i transform my date , i have a date int his format 20071002T000000 and columb name is polynominal , how can i convert it as a date format properly , i tried nominal to date but its not working , and when ever i am changing columb attribute to date it gives me question mark.? kindly help me into this.

Best Answers


  • UROOJRAFFATUROOJRAFFAT Member Posts: 17 Learner I
    Hello thanks for your ans i already check this 1 but it shows this error to me 
  • BalazsBaranyBalazsBarany Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert Posts: 955 Unicorn

    you're not doing what I wrote. The date format setting has to be correct.

  • UROOJRAFFATUROOJRAFFAT Member Posts: 17 Learner I
    Hello i even choose with this but noy working🤦‍♀️ thanks for your reply
  • UROOJRAFFATUROOJRAFFAT Member Posts: 17 Learner I
    Oh ok thankyoi i will try it 😊
  • UROOJRAFFATUROOJRAFFAT Member Posts: 17 Learner I
    Got it thankyou so much its working now🤩
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