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"Regarding text mining"
Member Posts: 20 Maven
I am working with Text mining operators with a large text document.I used string tockenizer and other filtering operators such as Token length filter and English stop word filter.But after getting the number of occurrences of different words I understood that some words are missed,but they are repeated large number of times.Is there anyway to include that words also in the result.Also I want to know that is there any operator to find out the number of occurrences of a purticular word from the text data.
I am working with Text mining operators with a large text document.I used string tockenizer and other filtering operators such as Token length filter and English stop word filter.But after getting the number of occurrences of different words I understood that some words are missed,but they are repeated large number of times.Is there anyway to include that words also in the result.Also I want to know that is there any operator to find out the number of occurrences of a purticular word from the text data.
without the process, I cannot say anything to your problem, because I don't know exactly what you are doing.
Unfortunately there's no operator for extracting this, but you could aggregate the complete exampleset to build the sum of occurrences in all examples.