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Is there any way to implemet Savitzky-Golay-Filter in Rapidminer for smooting a signal

MohammedHasan_GMohammedHasan_G Member Posts: 9 Contributor I
edited July 2020 in Help
I would like to smooth a signal using 

Savitzky-Golay-Filter. In python it is just single line code. Like that 


.Is there any way to implement it in rapidminer or is ist available in Rapidminer. As we are not allowed to use python during IT infrastructure problems, therefore I wonder is it already implemented in Rapidminer ? or not?


Best Answer


  • MohammedHasan_GMohammedHasan_G Member Posts: 9 Contributor I
    Actually I am not so familiar with Java. So I am not sure. As I already told I am aware about only python.
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