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Error creating a RapidMiner Extension with Custom Operators 0.9.4

rademaradema Member Posts: 10 Contributor II
edited July 2020 in Help

I'm trying a Custom Exstension using the last version of Custom Operators (0.9.4). 
I'm able to correctly create the operators but when I try to build the extension I obtain the following error. 
I'm able to overcome this error if I downgrade to 0.9.2 version.
Have you never encountered similar errors?


Best Answer

  • gmeiergmeier Employee, Member Posts: 25 RM Engineering
    Solution Accepted

    looks like there was a problem with the access rights, can you try again, please? If it still fails, please check that your firewall is not blocking maven.rapidminer.com.

    We are working on a new version of the custom operators extension where internet access is no longer required, but for now you need to download that resource to build your custom extension.
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