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Http 308 Error while accessing the RM Server Repo

aengleraengler Member Posts: 6 Contributor II
edited July 2020 in Help
Hello together,
we have a wired one here. After we moved our deployment to container deployment via kubernetes we encountered an error while connecting from Studio (tried 9.6/9.7 Studio together with Server 9.6 and 9.7.1) to the Server repo.

The initial connection to the server is marked as fine. So we can establish the server connection via the connection dialog and the test succeeds. However the moment we click on the server connection to open the folder-structure, this error is coming up.
The server can been accessed easily via the web-browser. The repo-folders can be easily accessed via the web-browser and are there.
For sure this is all with admin-rights to have no issue from this side.


  • aschaferdiekaschaferdiek Employee, Member Posts: 76 RM Engineering
    Hi aengler. Could you provide the server.log and studio log files when this pops up? Is authentication done with KeyCloak/SSO?
    CC: Could this be a proxy related problem @ZSzatmari ?
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