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my data set contained real number data types e.g. 1.290 but it was not accepted when wanting to save and import the dataset. I had to change the real data type to polynomial e.g. 1.29 for it be accepted and imported into rapid miner. Question is why is that?
Try using the Parse Number operator for your attribute. That will try to make the changes and remove any number format that may be affecting the data. Example 1,500.25 will be parsed as 1500.25 and 1.29 will be 1.29.
Maybe there is another data point that is preventing you from saving the attribute as a Real Number
you should import the data as nominal, then apply the Parse Numbers operator, and store the result in the repository.
However, there is a "Decimal Character" setting in the import wizard. For importing 1.290 as 1.29 (real) setting that to "." should be sufficient.
you're on the right way. Polynominal is a subset of nominal, so you can import as polynominal (not polynomial, that's something entirely different). Then you can use the Parse Numbers operator.
The Parse Numbers operator is used for changing the type of nominal attributes to a numeric type.
Lindon Ventures
Data Science Consulting from Certified RapidMiner Experts
DB an csv file would store numeric data as only numbers and a decimal separator.
That said number like 46,048,752 or 1.290 are really stored as 46048752 and 1.290
RM helps you "cleaning" the formatting of your numerical attributes with the Parse Number operator and the grouping that could also depende on the locale of each country.
What you are experiencing is part of the Data Cleansing process of Data Minning sometimes you may find a N/A instead of a missing o a 0 or # and by importing data as Polynomial you allow RM to import the data to the software.
it important to define which attributes Parse Number is going to work on when you applied it on the Currency attributed it throwed and exception because there are no numbers on that field.
I hope this helps you understand the logic behind what you had to do.
According to your example:
That said number like 46,048,752 or 1.290 are really stored as 46048752 and 1.290
1.290 remains same?
The process creates 3 attributes with 3 decimals, 2 decimals and a Real number. Then I Format them and all the numbers are saved as polynomial in order to keep the grouping.
Then you have 3 ways to convert them back to numbers
First process converts the first attribute to numbers by applying the Parse Numbers operator on that attribute.
Second process tries to Guess the type of the attribute an it does it well for the attributes that only contain decimal point
The third one Parse Numbers on all the attributes indicating there are numbers with formats that need to be parsed.
Hope this little process and example helps you understand whats happening with the numbers.