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How to configure email notification for failed processes?

Mehwash_KhanMehwash_Khan Member Posts: 1 Learner I
edited August 2020 in Help
Whenever a process fails , error mail should be generated stating the cause of the error by the RapidMiner , done with configuring the mail details under the tools\SMTP section but was unable to get error notification mail. Please suggest any solution for it. 


  • jacobcybulskijacobcybulski Member, University Professor Posts: 391 Unicorn
    This may not answer your question directly, however, this is what I do when running very long processes. At some point I was running a RM process on several machines and it was taking days to execute each. To monitor the status of your process, you can create a CSV file on one of the cloud drives and ensure the drive is synchronised automatically. Then during the execution, continually append new records to the CSV file (perhaps not every cycle of your execution but every 100 or 1000, depending on the complexity of your process). In this way, you can open the CSV file on cloud, while at a remote location and determine the status of the execution. So you will monitor the successful computation rather than an error. You can also explore using the Send Mail operator (which requires defining an SMTP connection).
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