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Combining TWITTER (live feed) with WEKA operators within RapidMinder

wufuturawufutura Member Posts: 38 Learner II
Hi folks -  I'm a newbie and must be treated as nearly a moron with regards with this stuff. .. :)
QUESTION: I have just been ok'd for a new live Twitter feed and need some serious hand holding on how to link it up and get it working with the WEKA operators within RapidMinder.

Help anyone?

Happy Sunday -
thanks, Richard
  • (NOTE: a snippet of an initial proposed design could be a BIG help!)

Best Answer


  • jacobcybulskijacobcybulski Member, University Professor Posts: 391 Unicorn
    You may wish to check out previous threads on using Twitter, e.g. in sentiment analysis:
    Also there are some (rather complex) YouTube videos on using RM for various types of Twitter feed analysis.

    The difficulty is getting Twitter data in. What you later do with this depends on what you want to do with Twitter data, e.g. to process Twitter meta data (Weka will be fine for this) or perform some text analytics (in which case I'd recommend other groups of operators, such as Text Processing extension).
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