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Please help me about polynominal label problem.

sukanyadedkaew1sukanyadedkaew1 Member Posts: 17 Maven


  • BalazsBaranyBalazsBarany Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert Posts: 955 Unicorn

    learners have different capabilities. For example, Logistic Regression is only able to decide between two classes (true and false, 0 and 1, ...).

    However, there is a meta-learner that goes through all classes one by one and calculates confidences for every "class vs. all the others". Then it selects the class with the highest confidence. The operator is called "Polynominal by Binominal Classification" and it's a wrapper around the learner, in your case the Logistic Regression. Just put it into the process instead of the Regression and put Logistic Regression inside it.


  • sukanyadedkaew1sukanyadedkaew1 Member Posts: 17 Maven

    The result of logistic regression shows. Thanks a lot.

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