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Can RapidMiner handle Bengali text? here is my dataset:

Kamrus_SalehinKamrus_Salehin Member Posts: 2 Newbie
edited March 2021 in Help

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    jwpfaujwpfau Employee, Member Posts: 303 RM Engineering
    Solution Accepted
    Hi Kamrus,

    Sorry i have forgot to mention that you need to restart RapidMiner Studio after you have selected the font.

    Which Font are you using? 
    I had the best results with Noto, if you need to install a font, make sure to use Right Click -> "Install for all users", otherwise it might not show up in the font configuration dropdown.



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    jwpfaujwpfau Employee, Member Posts: 303 RM Engineering
    Hi Kamrus,

    you have deeplinked your gmail attachment, we can't see this unless we are logged in with your google account.

    Have you tried to select UTF-8 as encoding during the data import?
    I.e. in Read CSV, select "Show advanced Parameters" in the Parameters panel. Select "UTF-8" as the encoding.

    You also need a font which supports bengali characters.
    You can select another font in the main menu bar Settings -> Preferences -> User Interface -> Font configuration

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    Kamrus_SalehinKamrus_Salehin Member Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited March 2021
    @jwpfauI tried what you have suggested. But no solution. It is my actual dataset snippet. And it is rapidminer snppet.
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