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When i am draggin data set from Repository i always get the same Error "


  • lionelderkrikorlionelderkrikor RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member Posts: 1,195 Unicorn
    Hi @Hashmat_Sediqi123,

    In data-science, you have to define a label (aka the target) : The variable you want to predict.
    In your case, you have not defined a label, that's why your model is raising an error.
    If you are a beginner in data-science and/or with RapidMiner, you can see the videos of the RapidMiner academy.
    All the concepts are well explained in this academy : Please click on this link to access to the RapidMiner academy : 


    Hope this helps,



  • Hashmat_Sediqi123Hashmat_Sediqi123 Member Posts: 6 Learner III
    @lionelderkrikor thanks for the reply , it work.
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