
Use spacy for NLP tasks in RapidMiner

btibertbtibert Member, University Professor Posts: 146 Guru
Not a question, but I simply wanted to share an example process that leverages a few marketplace extensions.  In the tutorial below, I use the python scripting operator to leverage the absolutely fantastic spacy NLP library from python, parse the document vectors for a dataset we read from the web, and compare two models, one of which is from the Deep Learning extension. 

Moreover, I highlight a use of the Cache operator from Operator Toolbox to help with performance (while building your process) and the use of a Subprocess operator to help organize the work.


The github repo with the environment I am using and the process:


Hope this helps someone who is looking to explore these features in RM.

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    ceaperezceaperez Member Posts: 522 Unicorn
    Solution Accepted
    Thanks for share @btibert

    great application, great job.

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