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How to implement a java chatbot using Rapidminer?

ventlucventluc Member Posts: 11 Newbie
Hi!  I would like to write a Java program (a chatbot) with machine learning\IA features (like TextMining)  using RapidMiner API for Java: this chatbot would implement an interactive  service desk  for users that need computer support.  So you could make a request computer support to the chatbot and he would reply  with a possible solution checking also all the solutions already implemented for similar problem checking all the possibile channels of support (like FAQ, web service desk platform like Footprint, etc) .  In this way I will not implement the machine/learning IA features chatbot  by scratch. Can someone tell me some details of which steps to follow to implement this? Thanks. Luca


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    jwpfaujwpfau Employee, Member Posts: 303 RM Engineering
    edited May 2021
    Hi Luca,

    Is this for an academic project, i.e. a bachelor or master thesis?
    You don't need the Java API for this, you could build the RapidMiner process and use a real time scoring agent via REST.

    Otherwise there are already many ready to use products out there that will do exactly what you want to achieve.

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    ventlucventluc Member Posts: 11 Newbie
    Hi! Yes, it is for a master thesis. Thanks for your feedback. Anyway, I think I could need to write a Java program to make the graphical interface of the chatbot and to link to data sources for which there isn't a connector for RapidMiner. For example I think that I can't connect from RapidMiner  directly to the "web service desk ticketing system Footprint (by BMC)" to check if a ticket with the same problem already exists. Are you agree? What are the solutions already developed that you are talking about? Thanks a lot. Luca
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    jwpfaujwpfau Employee, Member Posts: 303 RM Engineering
    Hi Luca,

    i've seen these knowledge base bots on multiple websites, but i'm not aware of the vendor names.
    Footprint uses a SOAP api, since this is mostly just XML it might be possible to parse them directly with RapidMiner without using java.
    For more convenience you could also write a reusable Footprint Extension with a Footprint Connection object.

    But tbh your project sounds quite ambitious, maybe you should narrow down the scope a bit?

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    ventlucventluc Member Posts: 11 Newbie
    Hi Jonas, I would like to to a project not too much ambitious because it is for a master thesis and I have a limited time (I should finish it within september 2021). I would like to implement a chatbot with a graphical interface that ask the user to insert the support request in a specific form field of the chatbot. After sending the request the chatbot search through all its data source available (FAQ, ticketing system like footprint, etc)  if the same problem has been solved in the past (for example through text mining techniques) and show the solutions already implemented to the user (to make the project simpler I could connect only to one data source, for example to the Footprint ticketing system). If the user thinks that they are not acceptable in his particular case then asks to the chatbot to open a ticket automatically in the ticketing system (Footprint). What do you think about? Could this be a good idea for a master thesis? Let me know, thanks.
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    ventlucventluc Member Posts: 11 Newbie
    Hi Jonas, have you some suggestion for me, replying to my last post? :-)
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