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Education license to test license

B_Pat_1507B_Pat_1507 Member Posts: 1 Learner I
Hello I have installed Rapidminer 9.10. Installed license is evaluation (test) license to last for 30 days. However, upon starting the rapidminer, it shows educational license on title bar.
Could you please guide to switch it? 
Below images are - first one is license installed
Second one is title bar of the window.
Thank you.


  • ceaperezceaperez Member Posts: 541 Unicorn
    Hi @B_Pat_1507,

    Sorry for delay in response.
    Maybe this is due to the Educational version is similar to Enterprise Edition, that is, the Educational version has the same modules and functionalities.

  • abodabod Member Posts: 2 Learner I
    I accidentally clicked on Commercial purposes instead of Educational purposes (I am a student) 

    How can I change it?

    can I create a new account with the same email?
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