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Extension Updates

MartinLiebigMartinLiebig Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, University Professor Posts: 3,531 RM Data Scientist
edited July 2022 in Help
Dear Community!

the rapid-labs team released a few updates to important extensions. Here are the change logs:

Anomaly Extension (4.0.0, only available with RM 9.10.10 released July 15th):
=== 3.3.1 ===
* Fixed a bug in Detect Outlier (TS), were z-scores wouldn't work with a reference set.
* Fixed a bug in Detect Outlier (TS), were algorithms won't work if the reference set is smaller than the test set

=== 4.0.0 ===
Please be aware that this release is not backwards compatible, since attributes got new names!
* Anomaly models are now serialized using JSON, not java serialization
* Normal Anomaly models are now IOTablePredictionModels, just like any other learner (except clustering)
* Since Anomaly models are now IOTablePredictionModels their response is prediction, not a score
* Univariate models are still Preprocessing models, but their main score is called prediction. all other scores are called prediction(attributeName)
* Univariate models are now stating the correct covered attributes in their description
Note: 3.3.1 was never released.

Interpretations Extension (0.0.6)
Changes in 0.6.0
* Generate Interpretation now supports IOTablePrediction Models. Those are (as of RM 9.10.10):
    - Function Fitting
    - XGBoost
    - Anomaly Models from Anomaly Extension (version 4.0+)
* Fixed a bug where Generate Interpretation fails if you provide a python based classification model which does not provide a confidence. You now get a proper error message.

This means you can now interpret your anomaly models!

Admin Extension (1.4.1)

Changes in 1.4.1
* Run Job (AI Hub) is not returning cronExpression, nextFireTime and lastFireTime anymore, since they are schedule related.
* Deploy Project (AI Hub) is now returning a table with the deployment information.
* RTSA URLs need to end with / now.
* Added a test if the RTSA URL is ending with / or not
* The test button of RTSA connection is now doing a real test.
* Renamed Call Webservice (RTSA) to Call Endpoint (RTSA)
* Renamed Get Deployments (RTSA) to Get Endpoints (RTSA)
* Rename repository name parameter to project name in Deploy Project (RTSA).
* Read Log (AI Hub) is renamed to Get Log (AI Hub)
* Enhanced Documentation of all operators
As usual: Let us know if we can help you with anything!

Happy mining everybody!

- Sr. Director Data Solutions, Altair RapidMiner -
Dortmund, Germany
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