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Column Headers File

greyulvgreyulv Member Posts: 4 Learner I
edited August 2022 in Help
Have a column header file and multiple data files without header.  Need to have the column headers added as example data set.

Attached column_headers.csv file with column names
Attached data file example with multiple rows without column names
Attached XML process trying to use Append operator (fails with no lookup key between two files)

Trying to achieve the following as an example data set

Best Answers

  • ollyclarkollyclark Employee, Member Posts: 4 RM Team Member
    Solution Accepted
    Have you tried loading both CSV files without specifying attribute names? Then you can use the Append and Rename by Example operators to achieve the desired result.

  • greyulvgreyulv Member Posts: 4 Learner I
    Solution Accepted
    @ollyclark appreciate the help, thank you


  • ollyclarkollyclark Employee, Member Posts: 4 RM Team Member
    No problem! I should also mention that if you choose not to treat all of your value as polynominal (e.g text) in Read CSV, instead setting a data type for each column, then you might also consider this alternative solution that uses Transpose and Rename (with dictionary). See below and attached.

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