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What is the date format of "Apr 01, 2011 1:30:00:000 PM ICT"

NAK_1NAK_1 Member Posts: 1 Newbie
edited August 2022 in Help
Hello, I am quite new to RapidMiner here. I would be very much appreciated it if you could help me out with this date format. I have tried this format >> MMM dd, yyyy  HH:mm:ss aaa z and the system said that it cannot parse the data with this date format. Thanks


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    ceaperezceaperez Member Posts: 541 Unicorn
    Hi @NAK_1
    for that date the format is quite well, but you need to change the aaa for milliseconds by SSS, i.e MMM dd, yyyy  HH:mm:ss aaa z for MMM dd, yyyy  HH:mm:ss sss z.

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