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How to I sort out various unstandardised data from a single cell ?

ETMZETMZ Member Posts: 7 Learner II
Hello everyone, 
For context, I'm trying to find out which marketing medium is the most effective to be used by Starbucks. 
Attached is the dataset used and the column pertaining to my part is question 19. 

As you can see, the data are retrieved from survey forms, as such, the format of their answer varies (e.g. some people only choose 'social media' as how they hear about promotions whereas some chose multiple methods (e.g. Starbucks Website/Apps;Social Media;Through friends and word of mouth). So my question is, is there anyway that i can sort out those with multiple answers so i can accurately count which is the most favourable medium to be used?

Thank you !


  • Telcontar120Telcontar120 RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,635 Unicorn
    This seems like a duplicate post of your other question (we discourage duplicate posting because it clogs the forums).
    You can easily separate out the separate items using the Split operator.  It looks like the semicolon is your split pattern.  Then you can count the distinct values using Aggregate.  The sample tutorial processes in the software should show you how to set it up.
    Brian T.
    Lindon Ventures 
    Data Science Consulting from Certified RapidMiner Experts
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