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How to use one attribute to subtract against another attribute
In a dataset, the attribute names are:
State 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
What is required is the difference between the numeric columns, say:
column diff2020 = column 2020 - column 2019.
I've tried using loop_attribute operator. Inside this loop process, I have a Generate Attribute operator.
For this Generate Attribute operator:
the attribute_name is: diff_%{loop_attribute}
the function expression is: eval(%{loop_attribute}) - eval(%{loop_attribute}-1)
the above is an incorrect function expression. What should the correct function expression be?
State 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
What is required is the difference between the numeric columns, say:
column diff2020 = column 2020 - column 2019.
I've tried using loop_attribute operator. Inside this loop process, I have a Generate Attribute operator.
For this Generate Attribute operator:
the attribute_name is: diff_%{loop_attribute}
the function expression is: eval(%{loop_attribute}) - eval(%{loop_attribute}-1)
the above is an incorrect function expression. What should the correct function expression be?
Best Answer
c_chee Member Posts: 19 MavenFound the answer.
In the Generate Attribute, the function expression syntax is: (#{loop_var} - #{prevloop_var})/ #{prevloop_var}
This is the column based operations to calculate relative difference between two consecutive years.
The attribute(column) names are loop_var created using Set Macro and the calculated name prevloop_var using Generate Macro.
So it would be something like [2020] - [2019] if we write manually.
But programmatically for many columns, it should be:
[%{loop_attribute} ] - [ %{loop_attribute} -1 ]
Obviously, the syntax above is wrong. But can anyone tell me what should the syntax be, that can be entered into the Generate Attributes field.