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Why Does RM "hang" on Data Import?

dhoffmandhoffman Member Posts: 2 Learner I
I am experiencing an issue with RM "hanging" when importing data. The issue exists on different machines, so it is not machine-specific but RM-specific. I see from others that this problem has been around for at least ten years. How can RM still have this issue? I am just starting to use it, and it seems like buggy beta software. Instead of long, confusing answers about "pseudo" (sudo), may I suggest (if they are watching) that they fix the problem? I have and do use many other platforms for ML, and none have this problem. This issue is a deal-killer. Why would one want to "buy" a problem? This showing is a terrible first impression. Any simple answers to this persistent unfixed 10yr+ problem with RM? (also issues with the login screen not rendering properly) I think they need a lesson from the "it just works" community. Is this thing reliable?


  • Marco_BoeckMarco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 1,996 RM Engineering

    I'm sorry you're getting this impression. We have very recently upgraded the tech stack under the hood (Going from Java 8 to 11, as well as updating pretty much every library we use to their respective latest version), and unfortunately a few things broke or do not work under specific circumstances anymore. We have identified and fixed most of them, but some slipped through the cracks.

    I can reproduce the Data Import dialog simply not closing, despite the result being already loaded correctly and displayed in the background. This is an issue that is unique to the very recent RapidMiner 10 release with the changes mentioned above. We will obviously fix that asap. In the meantime, feel free to close the dialog once the data is showing up in the background.

    #2: I am not aware of any issue regarding a login screen (which one?) not rendering properly, would you please be able to produce a screenshot of the problem?


    P.S.: The issue you describe cannot be 10+ years old for another reason, as that way of importing data was only created a couple years ago ;)
  • dhoffmandhoffman Member Posts: 2 Learner I
    Hi Marco,

    Thank you for the feedback. Yes, I saw that if I simply closed the "hung" window during the data load that everything was fine. Furthermore, the rendering of the login screen seems to have magically disappeared, maybe it was my on my end and a video card driver update is what resolved it. 

    Since resolving my initial frustration with the above issues I am happy to report making much progress with RM and am quite happy with it!

    Keep up the good work!
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