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Labelled and unlabelled data use in single model

ShrikantShrikant Member Posts: 2 Newbie
Read CSV is for initial data. is labelled 
Read CSV (2) is for _new.csv file for prediction is unlabelled.

Inside cross validation:

Is this approach correct?


  • ceaperezceaperez Member Posts: 541 Unicorn

    Because the second CSV file is used to validate you model, both datasets need to have the same structure, data types and roles.

    if you need to change or asign new roles you can use the Set Role operator.


  • ShrikantShrikant Member Posts: 2 Newbie
    second file has same structure except it doesn't have one column which is for prediction. In practice first file is the past data and the second one is for prediction. Then that design still correct?
  • ceaperezceaperez Member Posts: 541 Unicorn
    Hi again, 

    The design is correct. 

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