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Compare 2 different attributes

Teja_VaranasiTeja_Varanasi Member Posts: 17 Contributor II
Hi, I want to compare one column with all other columns. No column have same number of rows. 1 column may have 5, another10, another 12, 6,4,9... so on.. i want to create new columns after comparison


N | A | B | C 
1    3   7    6
3    1   4    2
6     2   1
7     8


new columns are:
A1 | B1 | C1
3      7      6
1      4


  • CKönigCKönig Employee, Member Posts: 70 RM Team Member
    Use an Inner Join on the respective columns to only get values in both of the Attributes. It may be helpful to split up your original ExampleSet into into one ExampleSet per Attribute.
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