Due to recent updates, all users are required to create an Altair One account to login to the RapidMiner community. Click the Register button to create your account using the same email that you have previously used to login to the RapidMiner community. This will ensure that any previously created content will be synced to your Altair One account. Once you login, you will be asked to provide a username that identifies you to other Community users. Email us at Community with questions.

Confirmation Email

cosborn4cosborn4 Member Posts: 1 Learner I
I have tried for 2 days to receive my confirmation email verification. It is not in my spam or junk mail. What would I need to do to be able to get this? Also, I have other classmates that are having the same issue. What do you suggest to be able to effectively get them into this program as well?   Many thanks.
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