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Text classification steps

2wheels_good2wheels_good Member Posts: 3 Learner I
I have an excel file with about 28000 online comments. i have classified 2500 of these into three categories (2 distinct categories and the third a blend of the first two). Using the 2500 classified comments, I would like to classify the remaining 25500 comments into the three categories. Can anyone advise how I should do this as I am new to this. -thanks

Best Answer

  • 2wheels_good2wheels_good Member Posts: 3 Learner I
    Solution Accepted
    Thanks rjones13 for the information. very helpful. I will check out the video and see if i can figure it out from there. Thanks again.


  • rjones13rjones13 Member Posts: 203 Unicorn
    Hi @2wheels_good, sounds like a great use case you've built! I would thoroughly recommend the Text and Web Mining with RapidMiner course on the Academy: https://academy.rapidminer.com/learn/course/text-and-web-mining-with-rapidminer/text-and-web-mining/

    This will take you through how you can process the text into a format suitable for machine learning (if you haven't already), and then what actions you can perform. Since you have labelled the data, you can use the 2500 classified comments once the text is pre-processed to train a classification model. You can then simply apply this model to the remaining comments, remembering to also pre-process those comments before applying the model.

    Please let me know how you get on! Happy to go through a short example
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