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What is a port?

beng712beng712 Member Posts: 1 Learner I
I am brand new to analytics, and brand new to RapidMiner. I need someone to explain this to me in the simplest way possible. I have no idea what a port is, or how to connect it. The tutorial says to connect the ports, and I don't even know where to click. 

Best Answer

  • rjones13rjones13 Member Posts: 199 Unicorn
    Solution Accepted
    Hi @beng712, a port is what we call the connection points on an operator. For example on the join operator I've shown below, we have left (lef) and right (rig) input ports, and a joined (joi) output port.

    Other common abbreviations are:
    • ori (output) – data set without operator changes
    • exa (input or output) - incoming or outgoing example set a.k.a dataset
    • thr (output) - outputs the current object
    • mod (output) - model
    • tra - training data
    • tes - testing data
    Here's also a nice webpage giving you some of the important terms: https://docs.rapidminer.com/latest/studio/getting-started/important-terms.html
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