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Column Configuration error

Dessanya1Dessanya1 Member Posts: 1 Learner I
Hello, I imported a csv file and i have two column configuration errors
1. "The column 9,11,12,13 have the same name '0'
2. ''The column 7 and 10 have the same name '1'

I feel stuck and don't know how to proceed


  • ceaperezceaperez Member Posts: 541 Unicorn
    Hi @Dessanya1,
    are you using the wizard menu to import the file? 
    There you have the option to change the name, type etc.


  • rjones13rjones13 Member Posts: 203 Unicorn
    Hi @Dessanya1,

    Just to explain the error, it sounds like it's trying to take the first row as the header row - so the repeating values are causing problems as it's a strict rule in RapidMiner that you can't have columns with the same name. As mentioned above, you can either use the import wizard, or in the parameters pane untick the use header row option.

    Hope this helps. Best,

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