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RapidMiner 9.10 cannot run process as it is unable to find data file.

yajurvedayajurveda Member Posts: 3 Learner I
When attempting to run a process, I get the following error "Cannot retrieve data from entry ../../../Data/Classification/<< file name >>'. Reason: Entry //LocalRepository/Data/Classification/<< file name >> does not exist. The repository did not deliver the requested data."

I checked, double checked, triple checked the file location and file itself, can import the data as well. Why is my process unable to find? 


  • rjones13rjones13 Member Posts: 199 Unicorn
    Hi @yajurveda,

    What type of file are you trying to retrieve? And which operator are you using?

  • yajurvedayajurveda Member Posts: 3 Learner I
    I was able to resolve this. Looks like the process was looking for the data one level above the Local Repository directory.

  • rjones13rjones13 Member Posts: 199 Unicorn
    Sounds great! Just so you know, you can drag and drop from the repository into the process window, so the file path would be sorted automatically.


  • yajurvedayajurveda Member Posts: 3 Learner I
    Thanks Roland! This is a very helpful tip! Will try that if I run into similar errors in the future.
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