The Altair Community and the RapidMiner community is on read-only mode until further notice. Technical support via cases will continue to work as is. For any urgent requests from Students/Faculty members, please submit the form linked here.

could not initialize HTML5 browser

kimjkkimjk Member Posts: 19 Maven
edited April 22 in Help

I searched about this problem and tried many solutions.

But it wasn't resolved. Someone please help me

Here's log

Apr 22, 2024 10:38:10 AM setLocale
INFO: Setting locale.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:10 AM setLocale
INFO: Using locale en.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:10 AM com.rapidminer.gui.RapidMinerGUI run
INFO: Launching RapidMiner 10.3.001, platform WIN64, with Java Eclipse Adoptium 11.0.16 on Windows 10 (10.0 / amd64)
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:11 AM logInfo
INFO: rapidminer.home is 'C:\Program Files\RapidMiner\RapidMiner Studio'.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM com.rapidminer.core.license.ProductConstraintManager initialize
INFO: Initializing license manager.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM com.rapidminer.core.license.ProductConstraintManager initialize
INFO: Using default license location.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM com.rapidminer.core.license.ProductConstraintManager initialize
INFO: Registering default product.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM hardenDocumentBuilderFactory
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM hardenDocumentBuilderFactory
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM com.rapidminer.repository.FileRepositoryProvider load
WARNING: Unknown tag: filesystemRepository
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM com.rapidminer.repository.FileRepositoryProvider load
WARNING: Unknown tag: filesystemRepository
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerSearchCategory
INFO: Global Search category repository registered.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Cloud Connectivity
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Data Editor
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: H2O
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Model Simulator
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Multi Language Pack
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Operator Recommender
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Process Scheduling
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Advanced File Connectors
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Blending
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Browser
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Concurrency
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: CTA
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: HTML5 Charts
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Interactivity
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: JDBC Connectors
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: KS Provider
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Legacy Result Access
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Modeling
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Productivity
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Professional
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Remote Repository
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Utility
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Social Media
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:15 AM registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Time Series
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:17 AM register
WARNING: Registered configurator Twitter Connection. Please update your extension to use the new connection framework!
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:18 AM com.rapidminer.extension.browser.PluginInitBrowser lambda$initPlugin$2
INFO: Async: Init browser setup.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:18 AM register
WARNING: Registered configurator Amazon S3 Connection. Please update your extension to use the new connection framework!
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:18 AM register
WARNING: Registered configurator Azure Blob Storage Connection. Please update your extension to use the new connection framework!
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:18 AM register
WARNING: Registered configurator Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 Connection. Please update your extension to use the new connection framework!
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:18 AM register
WARNING: Registered configurator Please update your extension to use the new connection framework!
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:18 AM register
WARNING: Registered configurator Google Cloud Storage Connection. Please update your extension to use the new connection framework!
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:18 AM register
WARNING: Registered configurator Dropbox Connection. Please update your extension to use the new connection framework!
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:18 AM registerDrivers
INFO: JDBC driver net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver not found. Probably the driver is not installed.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:19 AM <init>
WARNING: Missing database driver class name for ODBC Bridge (e.g. Access)
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:19 AM <init>
WARNING: Missing database driver class name for Ingres
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:19 AM com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory init
SEVERE: Failed to initialize the Browser, HTML5 components might not be available!
com.teamdev.jxbrowser.engine.ChromiumProcessStartupFailureException: Process exit code: -2147483645
at com.teamdev.jxbrowser.engine.internal.EngineImpl.newInstance(
at com.teamdev.jxbrowser.engine.Engine.newInstance(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.createEngine(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.init(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.PluginInitBrowser.lambda$initPlugin$2(
at java.base/ Source)

Apr 22, 2024 10:38:19 AM com.rapidminer.extension.browser.PluginInitBrowser lambda$initPlugin$2
INFO: Async: Basic browser setup test starting.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory init
SEVERE: Failed to initialize the Browser, HTML5 components might not be available!
com.teamdev.jxbrowser.engine.ChromiumProcessStartupFailureException: Process exit code: -2147483645
at com.teamdev.jxbrowser.engine.internal.EngineImpl.newInstance(
at com.teamdev.jxbrowser.engine.Engine.newInstance(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.createEngine(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.init(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.PluginInitBrowser.lambda$initPlugin$2(
at java.base/ Source)

Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM com.rapidminer.extension.browser.PluginInitBrowser lambda$initPlugin$2
WARNING: Async: Basic browser setup test failed, HTML5 components may not be available!
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.PluginInitBrowser.lambda$initPlugin$2(
at java.base/ Source)

Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM com.altair.ks_engine.bridge.KSEngineConnectionHandler$1 engineOffline
INFO: KS engine offline
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM com.altair.ks_engine.bridge.KSEngineSettings initialize
INFO: Initializing KS engine settings
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM com.altair.ks_engine.bridge.KSEngineConnectionHandler$1 engineStarting
INFO: Starting KS engine
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM com.rapidminer.repository.RepositoryManager registerExtensionSamples
INFO: Registered 'Time Series' as sample folder.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Professional 10.3.1 was loaded in 7ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Utility 10.3.1 was loaded in 11ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Productivity 10.3.1 was loaded in 15ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Modeling 10.3.1 was loaded in 16ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Operator Recommender 10.3.1 was loaded in 17ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Process Scheduling 10.3.1 was loaded in 18ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Data Editor 10.3.1 was loaded in 20ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Interactivity 10.3.1 was loaded in 24ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Legacy Result Access 10.3.1 was loaded in 26ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension CTA 10.3.1 was loaded in 28ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Concurrency 10.3.1 was loaded in 31ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Multi Language Pack 10.3.1 was loaded in 40ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Social Media 10.3.1 was loaded in 52ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension KS Provider 10.3.1 was loaded in 78ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Advanced File Connectors 10.3.1 was loaded in 85ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension HTML5 Charts 10.3.1 was loaded in 137ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Time Series 10.3.1 was loaded in 201ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Browser 10.3.1 was loaded in 205ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Model Simulator 10.3.1 was loaded in 217ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension H2O 10.3.1 was loaded in 319ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Remote Repository 10.3.1 was loaded in 350ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Blending 10.3.1 was loaded in 589ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension Cloud Connectivity 10.3.1 was loaded in 1045ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM initAll
INFO: Extension JDBC Connectors 10.3.1 was loaded in 2307ms.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM com.altair.ks_engine.bridge.KSEngineInstallationHandler startKSEngine
INFO: Starting KS engine
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:21 AM registerSearchCategory
INFO: Global Search category operator registered.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:23 AM com.altair.ks_engine.bridge.KSEngineConnectionHandler$1 engineRunning
INFO: Started KS engine
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:23 AM com.altair.ks_engine.bridge.KSEngineConnectionHandler$1 engineDisconnected
INFO: Disconnected from KS engine
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:23 AM com.altair.ks_engine.bridge.KSEngineSocket connectToSocket
WARNING: Cannot connect KS engine socket, socket already set!
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:23 AM com.altair.ks_engine.bridge.KSEngineConnectionHandler$1 engineConnected
INFO: Connected to KS engine
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:23 AM com.altair.ks_engine.bridge.KSEngineConnectionHandler$1 engineReady
INFO: KS engine is ready
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:23 AM loadAllParameters
INFO: No configuration file found for Amazon S3 Connection
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:23 AM loadAllParameters
INFO: No configuration file found for Azure Blob Storage Connection
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:23 AM loadAllParameters
INFO: No configuration file found for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 Connection
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:23 AM loadAllParameters
INFO: No configuration file found for
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:23 AM loadAllParameters
INFO: No configuration file found for Dropbox Connection
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:23 AM loadAllParameters
INFO: No configuration file found for Google Cloud Storage Connection
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:23 AM loadAllParameters
INFO: No configuration file found for Twitter Connection
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:25 AM registerSearchCategory
INFO: Global Search category actions registered.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:25 AM com.rapidminer.extension.browser.PluginInitBrowser initGui
INFO: Browser was not initialized correctly. Skipping hardware accelerated browser setup test.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:27 AM com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory init
SEVERE: Failed to initialize the Browser, HTML5 components might not be available!
com.teamdev.jxbrowser.engine.ChromiumProcessStartupFailureException: Process exit code: -2147483645
at com.teamdev.jxbrowser.engine.internal.EngineImpl.newInstance(
at com.teamdev.jxbrowser.engine.Engine.newInstance(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.createEngine(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.init(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.gui.BrowserPanel.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.gui.BrowserPanel.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.remote.gui.versioning.VersioningHistoryPanel.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.gui.BrowserPanel.updateBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.remote.gui.versioning.VersioningHistoryPanel.updateBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.remote.gui.versioning.VersioningHistoryPanel.<init>(
at com.rapidminer.extension.remote.gui.versioning.VersioningHistoryDockable.<init>(
at com.rapidminer.extension.remote.PluginInitRemoteRepository.registerRemoteRepositoryDialogs(
at com.rapidminer.extension.remote.PluginInitRemoteRepository.initGui(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.rapidminer.gui.RapidMinerGUI.launch(
at com.rapidminer.gui.RapidMinerGUI.main(
at com.rapidminer.launcher.GUILauncher.main(

Apr 22, 2024 10:38:27 AM com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory createBrowser
INFO: HTML5 safe mode enabled. Creating slower offscreen browser instead of requested hardware accelerated browser.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:27 AM com.rapidminer.extension.remote.gui.versioning.VersioningHistoryPanel updateBrowser
SEVERE: Failed to create browser to display Snapshot History panel
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.gui.BrowserPanel.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.gui.BrowserPanel.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.remote.gui.versioning.VersioningHistoryPanel.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.gui.BrowserPanel.updateBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.remote.gui.versioning.VersioningHistoryPanel.updateBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.remote.gui.versioning.VersioningHistoryPanel.<init>(
at com.rapidminer.extension.remote.gui.versioning.VersioningHistoryDockable.<init>(
at com.rapidminer.extension.remote.PluginInitRemoteRepository.registerRemoteRepositoryDialogs(
at com.rapidminer.extension.remote.PluginInitRemoteRepository.initGui(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.rapidminer.gui.RapidMinerGUI.launch(
at com.rapidminer.gui.RapidMinerGUI.main(
at com.rapidminer.launcher.GUILauncher.main(

Apr 22, 2024 10:38:27 AM hardenDocumentBuilderFactory
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:29 AM com.rapidminer.extension.remote.PluginInitRemoteRepository$2 run
INFO: Community repository 'Community Samples' added.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:29 AM com.rapidminer.extension.remote.PluginInitRemoteRepository$2 run
INFO: Community repository 'Training Resources' added.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:30 AM registerSearchCategory
INFO: Global Search category academy registered.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:30 AM registerSearchVisualizationProvider
INFO: Global Search GUI provider added for category academy.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:35 AM com.rapidminer.gui.MainFrame finishInitialization
WARNING: Not adding legacy connections menu even though legacy configurables are present. Check log for offending extensions
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:40 AM checkRules
WARNING: No visualization available for CTA rule 'NPS-GMQ-FEEDBACK-01_query_fcpt'.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:47 AM registerSearchVisualizationProvider
INFO: Global Search GUI provider added for category operator.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:47 AM registerSearchVisualizationProvider
INFO: Global Search GUI provider added for category repository.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:47 AM registerSearchVisualizationProvider
INFO: Global Search GUI provider added for category actions.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:47 AM registerSearchCategory
INFO: Global Search category marketplace registered.
Apr 22, 2024 10:38:47 AM registerSearchVisualizationProvider
INFO: Global Search GUI provider added for category marketplace.
Apr 22, 2024 10:39:35 AM com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory init
SEVERE: Failed to initialize the Browser, HTML5 components might not be available!
com.teamdev.jxbrowser.engine.ChromiumProcessStartupFailureException: Process exit code: -2147483645
at com.teamdev.jxbrowser.engine.internal.EngineImpl.newInstance(
at com.teamdev.jxbrowser.engine.Engine.newInstance(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.createEngine(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.init(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.html5charts.gui.chart.implementations.html5.HTML5HighChartsChartGUI.createChartSceneJxBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.html5charts.gui.chart.implementations.html5.HTML5HighChartsChartGUI$1.doInBackground(
at com.rapidminer.extension.html5charts.gui.chart.implementations.html5.HTML5HighChartsChartGUI$1.doInBackground(
at java.desktop/javax.swing.SwingWorker$ Source)
at java.base/ Source)
at java.desktop/ Source)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at java.base/ Source)

Apr 22, 2024 10:39:35 AM com.rapidminer.extension.html5charts.gui.chart.implementations.html5.HTML5HighChartsChartGUI$1 done
SEVERE: Failed to create HTML5 browser!
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.browser.BrowserFactory.createBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.html5charts.gui.chart.implementations.html5.HTML5HighChartsChartGUI.createChartSceneJxBrowser(
at com.rapidminer.extension.html5charts.gui.chart.implementations.html5.HTML5HighChartsChartGUI$1.doInBackground(
at com.rapidminer.extension.html5charts.gui.chart.implementations.html5.HTML5HighChartsChartGUI$1.doInBackground(
at java.desktop/javax.swing.SwingWorker$ Source)
at java.base/ Source)
at java.desktop/ Source)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at java.base/ Source)


And I attach log file. Please help, tks


  • Options
    jwpfaujwpfau Employee, Member Posts: 303 RM Engineering
    Hi kimjk,

    thank you for the report.

    - Is this a new issue?
    - Is there anything special about the system, like a non-ascii username, or unususal graphics card?

    Have you already tried to delete the 

    %HOMEPATH%/.RapidMiner/internal cache

    folder (while RapidMiner Studio is not running)?

    If this doesn't help, have you tried to enable the HTML5 Safe Mode?

  • Options
    kimjkkimjk Member Posts: 19 Maven
    Hi jwpfau,

    thank you for your reply

    Windows 10's username is English, and it uses an ordinary geforce graphics card.
    I also tried deleting all caches, but the result was the same.
    I tried both HTML5 Safe Mode and Legacy mode options, but the results were the same.

    One strange thing is that when running RapidMiner, the Chromium process was not found on the PC.
    In the case of a friend's PC with normal visualization functions, I could see Chromium running together when RapidMiner was run.

    Could this be related?
    Please help, thank you
  • Options
    Marco_BoeckMarco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 1,996 RM Engineering
    edited April 24

    This is a curious one. If you search for the error code of Chromium (-2147483645) on Google, you will find the same error across other products that use Chromium engines (like tools using Electron, QtWebEngine, etc) - but no real solution.

    It seems (and I use that word very loosely here) to be related to certain security settings of the machine in question, but I did not find anything concrete on short notice.

    My best advice I can currently give you is to upgrade to the next version of Studio coming out very soon, and see if that works. In it, we upgraded the embedded Chromium to one of the latest versions, and my hope is that this fixes the issue.

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