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Cannot get access

TsFaridahYTsFaridahY Member Posts: 3 Learner II
I am one of the user of rapidminer. Been trying to get the free certification program at altair.com website. But get this notification

502 Bad Gateway.

Has altair stop working with academy.rapidminer.com

Best Answer

  • TsFaridahYTsFaridahY Member Posts: 3 Learner II
    Solution Accepted
    Really appreciate the response. Hope all is well with Altair.com/Academy.rapidminer.com


  • Knut-RMKnut-RM Administrator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 113 Administrator
    sorry for the inconvenience. We are working on it and hope to have this back up soon
  • TsFaridahYTsFaridahY Member Posts: 3 Learner II
    Please kindly help me and upload the site for academy.rapidminer.com as I have student that need to take the certification this month. Thank you
  • Knut-RMKnut-RM Administrator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 113 Administrator
    it is now resolved. We might need to apply more fixes in the coming days to avoid this going forward. Thanks for your understanding
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