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Error related to time series plugin

shashwat001shashwat001 Member Posts: 33 Learner I
The Rapid Miner file for the ARIMA can't be executed nor saved because there are error messages about dummy operators and missing plug-ins. 
Can someone please shed some light on this?


  • rjones13rjones13 Member Posts: 203 Unicorn
    Hi @shashwat001,

    This is down to missing dependent extensions for the operators, which are then replaced with "dummy operators" when RapidMiner doesn't know what to put there. Could you possibly share the xml of the process you're trying to run? Also what version of RapidMiner you're using. I can then suggest what extensions you might be missing. From first look, you appear to be missing the Series extension.


  • shashwat001shashwat001 Member Posts: 33 Learner I
    I am using rapidiner 9.1 can you let me know how to share xml process
  • rjones13rjones13 Member Posts: 203 Unicorn
    If you go to the top right, File > Export Process, you can then same the .rmp process and share it here.


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