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Windows 7 64 bit: update rapidminer 5 problem

ckwchengckwcheng Member Posts: 6 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
Having problems updating rapidminer 5.

When i try to update, it gives me the following error:

"Error installing update: .\lib\plugins\managed\rmx_weka-5.0.0.jar (The system cannot find the path specified)  Reason: .\lib\plugins\managed\rmx_weka-5.0.0.jar (The system cannot find the path specified"

This happens with the Weka, parallel processing, text processing, and other extensions.

please help!!  Thanks everyone!


  • RalfKlinkenbergRalfKlinkenberg Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, RMResearcher, Member, Unconfirmed, University Professor Posts: 68 RM Founder
    Installation and Update of RapidMiner 5 Extensions under Windows 7 (and Windows Vista):

    Microsoft Windows 7 by default starts all applications with limited access rights.  This also applies to RapidMiner 5, which hence is not allowed to write into its own program directory.  Since RapidMiner 5 needs to be able to write into its own program directory in order to install and later update plugins, RapidMiner 5 needs to be started with administrator access rights, if you would like to install or update RapidMiner 5 extensions.  The same applies to updates of the RapidMiner core.  This is not a bug of RapidMiner, but a result of how Windows 7 treats the access rights of its applications.  The problem can be by-passed as follows:

    Installation and Update of RapidMiner 5 Extensions under Windows 7 (and Windows Vista):
    • Start RapidMiner 5 not via double click on its icon as usually, but by selecting the RapidMiner 5 icon with the computer mouse, holding the right mouse button pressed, and then selecting “Run with administrator rights” in the context menu.
    • After starting RapidMiner 5 with administrator rights, go to its “Help” menu, choose “Update RapidMiner”, select the desired RapidMiner 5 extensions, and then press the “Install” button.
    • For the update or installation to become effective, you first need to restart RapidMiner.  This second start-up also has to be done in the same way with administrator rights, because the actual installation of the extensions happens at the next start-up of the program after the download of the extensions or updates.
    • Later program starts of RapidMiner 5 can be performed the usual way, i.e. via double clicking the RapidMiner icon, via the Windows start menu, via a RapidMiner start script, or via the context menu like above.  All these ways work, both, with administrator rights as well as without.  The design and execution of RapidMiner data mining processes usually does not require administrator rights.  Only whenever you would like to install or update RapidMiner or some of its extensions, the above procedure for the start-up with administrator rights needs to be repeated.
    Without administrator rights, RapidMiner 5 cannot install or update its extensions, because it needs be able to write these extensions into its program director.  The next version of RapidMiner will provide a more informative help message instead of the current error message in case a RapidMiner update or extension is attempted without administrator rights.
  • ckwchengckwcheng Member Posts: 6 Contributor II
    Ralf, thank you for the answer to that.  It did work after I followed your instructions -  CC
  • landland RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 2,531 Unicorn
    as an additional note: We are going to improve the Extension mechanism, so that installing extensions won't need the admin rights. Of course updating the program still will need write access to the program directory, so that admin rights are crucial.
    You might already install the extensions to your home directory by checking the rapidminer.update.to_home property in the preferences dialog in the update tab. But you will have to do this directly after installing RapidMiner or delete the plugins directory in the program dir/lib directory.

  • JohnQuestJohnQuest Member Posts: 15 Contributor II
    I am using win 7 64 ultimate, just updated all win 7. and installed rapidminer, it works fine, however after the update failed like above, i try to run it with the administrator, then it does not start anymore, just show the icon of rapidminer. and it is running in the process, I can only end it by end the process.
  • Marco_BoeckMarco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 1,996 RM Engineering
    Please do not create multiple posts about one problem.

    Answer is here: http://rapid-i.com/rapidforum/index.php/topic,4077.0.html
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