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ratheesanratheesan Member Posts: 68 Maven
I have one excel sheet containing two attributes one is score(Numeric) and other is category(M or F).I would like to Test whether there is any significant difference in scores between two categories using T-test.I used excel example source and T-Test operator.But it is not working.Any body can provide the names of operators to get the result.



  • haddockhaddock Member Posts: 849 Maven

    You already have the answer, check out the samples  03-Validation->13_Significance
  • ratheesanratheesan Member Posts: 68 Maven

    In T-Test operator,we can adjust only significance level(alpha).Is there any way to mention independent sample t-test(equality of two population means)or Paired t-test(dependent t-test)or one sample t-test.

  • steffensteffen Member Posts: 347 Maven
    Jumping in ...

    As far as I know, the operator does this:

    IF(length of both performance-vector is equal)
      dependent t-test for paired samples
      independent t-test with assumption of equal variance

    one-sample-test is not implemented.

    On a side note, I do not know how to transform an exampleset into an performance-vector, but that is another story..


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