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Question about Decision Tree / WEKA SimpleCART

GhostriderGhostrider Member Posts: 60 Contributor II
edited December 2019 in Help
I have a lot of data which is labeled into 4-5 classification groups.  I have 3-4 positive groups and 1 negative group.  I'm really interested in classifying the 3-4 positive groups, but the negative group makes up > 99% of the data.  So if I try to optimize for accuracy, I end up with a tree with 1000 nodes, basically just curve fitting the data.  If I set a minimum number of instances per node very high, in the extreme case, it just assigns everything to the positive group.  Does anyone have some suggestions for dealing with this issue?  Anyone know of a good guide for WEKA parameter tuning?


  • IngoRMIngoRM Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Community Manager, RMResearcher, Member, University Professor Posts: 1,751 RM Founder

    in principle there is not so much of a difference if you tune the Weka parameters or those of RapidMiner operators. Did you already try the parameter optimization operators which could try to automatically find optimal parameter combinations?

  • GhostriderGhostrider Member Posts: 60 Contributor II
    Ingo Mierswa wrote:


    in principle there is not so much of a difference if you tune the Weka parameters or those of RapidMiner operators. Did you already try the parameter optimization operators which could try to automatically find optimal parameter combinations?

    Not yet, I'll check them out.
  • harrisharris Member Posts: 8 Contributor II
    Ghostrider wrote:

    I have a lot of data which is labeled into 4-5 classification groups.  I have 3-4 positive groups and 1 negative group.  I'm really interested in classifying the 3-4 positive groups, but the negative group makes up > 99% of the data.  So if I try to optimize for accuracy, I end up with a tree with 1000 nodes, basically just curve fitting the data.  If I set a minimum number of instances per node very high, in the extreme case, it just assigns everything to the positive group.  Does anyone have some suggestions for dealing with this issue?  Anyone know of a good guide for WEKA parameter tuning?
    Hi ghostrider.

    Generic solution to imbalanced dataset problem is undersampling the dominant (negative) class so that the resulting new dataset is more balanced. This will ensure the formation of a 'class balanced' model (decision tree or other classifier) and class balanced predictions.

    Not sure how over/undersampling is done in rapidminer (am a relative newbie) but I know weka better (if you can use that): see wekalist archives for "undersampling" or "imbalanced" keywords for a  weka undersampling procedure as developed by me. (Unfortunately, weka filters required to implement that have not been subsumed under rapidminer).

    As regards your other question, use W-GridSearch in rapidminer to implement weka parameter tuning. I'm sure rapidminer has its own equivalent optimisation schemes (OptimizeParameters?).

    best, Harri Saarikoski
  • Fred12Fred12 Member Posts: 344 Unicorn

    I have a question concerning undersampling:

    how is it best done, I mean it could be the case that you choose the undersampled part of the negative class, that is very similar to just the 0.01% positive class.. or it could be that just that undersampled negative class is very different to the positive minority class... which gives extremely different decision trees at the end I guess..?


    what is recommended for that case then? Split the majority negative class into several portions with sizes equal to the positive class...and use them each for one round to built the decision tree? and then average / majority vote all trees at the end?

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