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example set error verbosity

cgkolarcgkolar Member Posts: 29 Maven
edited June 2019 in Help
Hi Developers.  I am an admittedly new user of RM and given that I have inherited a lot of messy data much of my time is spent hunting down problems with input streams.  That said, I started another string trying to figure out why I am having so much difficulty with a particular set (http://rapid-i.com/rapidforum/index.php/topic,171.0.html) and it was suggested that I mention to the developers how useful it would be to get increased feedback on the location of example set errors.

3. Ask the development team is there any way to make ExampSource print on which line it stopped?
Disclaimer: I'm not a member of the RM development team.
I am ready to hear that I am missing something completely obvious about where RM is providing useful information, but if not then here is the suggestion in the official forum.  Cheers,

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