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"Read Excel problem with latest SVN version"

colocolo Member Posts: 236 Maven
edited June 2019 in Help

since I am mostly using CSV files, I didn't notice this yet. I tried to read an Excel file via the "Read Excel" operator. I received a notification that there hasn't been an obvious error but I should check the Log which reported a NPE for the operator. So I took an old (working) process which uses the same operator but now also produces this error. So I switched to the latest RM release version (I am usually using the latest SVN version and starting RM directly from Eclipse) where things worked fine. May perhaps someone else check this to verify this bug in the development version?



  • fischerfischer Member Posts: 439 Maven

    is it possible to send the file? If yes, please contact me via personal mail (using the forum) since attachment are blocked.

  • colocolo Member Posts: 236 Maven
    Hi Simon,

    it's a very simple file, which was used while building a process during our in-house seminar. I will send it via E-Mail (forum messages don't allow attachments?!).

  • fischerfischer Member Posts: 439 Maven

    to those who don't have access to my PMs: Problem seems to be solved.

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