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RM 6 does not start on Mac OS 10.9

wikowiko Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
edited June 2019 in Help

my RM6 does not start. It says:

Starting RapidMiner Studio Failed!
Reson: RapidMiner Studio requires Java 1.7 or newer.
Found Java 1.6.

Problem is: I have the newest Version of Java (Java 7 Update 51).

What do I do?


  • wikowiko Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
    I figured it out. Had to Install the SDK version of Java.
  • Marco_BoeckMarco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 1,996 RM Engineering

    thanks for posting this. We are aware of the problem and working on it.

  • dfogel2dfogel2 Member Posts: 1 Learner III
    I am having a similar issue - but don't understand what is meant by SDK version of Java
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