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Creating our own test data through forms

sugapriyasugapriya Member Posts: 9 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
Hi all..
  I'm new to rapid miner...and i just want to know,  is it possible to create our own  test data through FORMS....(i.e)To create a form and then to enter input to it... and when the submit button in the form is clicked... the form data should be loaded into the database and then this database should be  AUTOMATICALLY imported  into rapid miner as test data in our project...if so, how??I want this entire thing to happen automatically when i click the submit button...can any one help me out...pl..


  • landland RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 2,531 Unicorn
    this is possible with RapidAnalytics if you want to deploy your final model. For real testing this is quite. Well. Uncomfortable :)

  • sugapriyasugapriya Member Posts: 9 Contributor II
    I will try it with Rapid Analytics...thanks a lot for your quick reply. :-)
  • rakirkrakirk Member Posts: 29 Contributor II
    A good way may be to create the forms on a separate server (ie. PHP and apache) and then have the results load into a database shared with RapidAnalytics. This should accompllsh what you are lookng for while giving you some modularity.
  • sugapriyasugapriya Member Posts: 9 Contributor II
    Thanku ...ll try it out..:-)
  • sugapriyasugapriya Member Posts: 9 Contributor II

    I have installed Rapid Analytics and it is too good to use that software.  Can you please give step by step instructions to how to do this in rapid analytics or any link from which i could refer??Any help appreciated..
  • landland RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 2,531 Unicorn
    take a look at the RapidAnalytics introductory videos on youtube. Especially the WebServices / Reporting videos should be interesting for you.

  • sugapriyasugapriya Member Posts: 9 Contributor II
      I just took a look at web services video. It was very helpful, but i have some doubts in predictive services. The parameters such as age, sex, zip code etc., are entered and it is submitted and it tells whether to take part in marketing campaign or not. If we are using filters and macro mapping concepts, it would give the results only for those data that is present in the training set ..Right??
    So, can we store the parameters which we enter in rapid analytics(value of age, sex, zip code etc) in a repository and can this be used as a test data to apply model operator  ??If so, can you explain how? any help appreciated..:-)
  • landland RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 2,531 Unicorn
    of course this is possible. You hast have to generate an example with the values, append it to the test data and the problem is finished. Helping you with this is of course part of the support package of the enterprise edition.

  • sugapriyasugapriya Member Posts: 9 Contributor II
    Thank you..:-) But is this not possible with community Edition of Rapid Miner??
    Can the values of the parameters which is given in the form (say age,sex with ref to web services video tutorial 3 of RA) be stored in some repository which could be  later retrieved in rapid miner??If so, how??Or can 'READ URL" operator be used here?I tried using it..but it didn't work.. Any help appreciated..:-)
  • landland RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 2,531 Unicorn
    yes it is possible. You only need to set them as Macros, you can use the values then for example inside an SQL statement to append the values to a given table.
    Unfortunately helping you with this in detail is part of the Enterprise Edition. So you must figure it out yourself. There simply must be some disadvantage, if the software does not cost you anything, don't you think?

  • sugapriyasugapriya Member Posts: 9 Contributor II
    Okay...Thank you...:-)
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