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Server Username & Password

micheljanosmicheljanos Member Posts: 40 Maven
edited December 2018 in Help

After getting a new license key I can´t connect to server anymore. It also don´t recognizes my email.



Best Answer


  • Edin_KlapicEdin_Klapic Employee, RMResearcher, Member Posts: 299 RM Data Scientist

    Hi Michel,


    both licenses are paid versions, right? One connection restriction is that you cannot connect with a paid license to a free license (or vice versa).

    If the Server license is outdated you need to login to the RapidMiner Server webinterface. You are then requested to enter your new Server license key. Then everything should work again.




  • micheljanosmicheljanos Member Posts: 40 Maven

    Hi Edin


    I had a free license that expired, and replaced by a license I got from being certificated. After that I  was unable to connect anymore.

    So I installed the server again using the new license key and get the attached error. It also seems strange that it don't recognizes my email.

    (see attached).





  • micheljanosmicheljanos Member Posts: 40 Maven

    Hi Edin


    I had a free license that expired, and replaced by a license I got from being certificated. After that I  was unable to connect anymore.

    So I installed the server again using the new license key and get the attached error. It also seems strange that it don't recognizes my email.

    (see attached).





  • JessForbesRMJessForbesRM RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 38 RM Data Scientist



    Did you change your admin pw from the original "changeit" ?  Server isn't going to be linked to your my.rapidminer.com account at all, you can use the same email but it's not required.


    By default the server was set to admin "changeit" 

  • micheljanosmicheljanos Member Posts: 40 Maven



    The the original "changeit" was not appearing.Only the " ******".

    I entered "changeit" and it connected!

    But how do I change the "changeit" password now?





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