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Data After Transpose
After executing the transpose the whole data is getting is transposed into id,att_1 , att_2 columns ,but I couldnt call the att_1 or att_2 in the next operators .Please find the screenshots below
This is the data I'm getting after transpose
But I checked it in the metadata of transpose .I see
For further implementation of operators on att_1 or att_2 ,I'm facing issue like this
Can anyone help me on how to do functions on att_1 or att_2 after transpose ?
This is the data I'm getting after transpose
But I checked it in the metadata of transpose .I see
For further implementation of operators on att_1 or att_2 ,I'm facing issue like this
Can anyone help me on how to do functions on att_1 or att_2 after transpose ?
Dortmund, Germany
I have worked on your solution and could see no error ports after setting the set meta data operator.But FYI ,I'm executing this operator in Sparkrm . I'm still facing with the same errors despite operators not showing any errors.Can you check the problem with sparkrm ,there are so many operators that are not working in Sparkrm.