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How can I label points in a scatter plot, something similar to geom_label_repel in R?
Hi, I am new to Rapidminer and used R for similar tasks in the past.
How can I label points in a scatter plot, something similar to geom_label_repel in R?
There are examples of labelled scatterplots I made in R on bleistift.blog but because my account is new I am not allowed to post links yet.
I saw that option in the visualisation module, but I want to display the name of the point stored in another column, not the actual value (example the scatterplot shows the weight of items and the name of the items should appear next to the dots). I also cannot add the column with the names to "value columns", which might have been a first step (error: Cannot mix numerical, nominal, or date time columns in the same plot ('weight' and 'sname').