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Creation of subprocess at a later stage

MLAdvocateMLAdvocate Member Posts: 6 Contributor II
edited November 2019 in Help
I've a process that's growing to have many operations in it.  Is it possible to:

a) create a subprocess and move existing operations into it?

b) create another process file and move existing operations into it? And this gets called from another process file?


Best Answers


  • varunm1varunm1 Member Posts: 1,207 Unicorn
    Hello @MLAdvocate

    create a subprocess and move existing operations into it?
    Yes, you can use a subprocess operator and move the operators inside it and then connect the input to subprocess.

    create another process file and move existing operations into it? And this gets called from another process file?

    Yes, there is a project' extension released by @mschmitz that is useful to streamline processes and project. You need to install "Project Extension" from the market place. The below link has explanation about projects extension


    Hope this helps. Please let us know if you need more information.

    Be Safe. Follow precautions and Maintain Social Distancing

  • MLAdvocateMLAdvocate Member Posts: 6 Contributor II
    Yes, you can use a subprocess operator and move the operators inside it and then connect the input to subprocess.

    How do you do this?  Coz I created a subprocess and tried to drag existing operations into it without success.

    Yes, there is a project' extension released by @mschmitz that is useful to streamline processes and project. You need to install "Project Extension" from the market place. The below link has explanation about projects extension


    Will check this out.


  • MLAdvocateMLAdvocate Member Posts: 6 Contributor II
  • MLAdvocateMLAdvocate Member Posts: 6 Contributor II
    Thanks.  This works too.
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