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Error while apply model for unseen data

HeikoeWin786HeikoeWin786 Member Posts: 64 Contributor I
edited August 2020 in Help
Hello all,

I am testing the NBC in cross-validation to understand throughly.
I am aware that the train dataset and test dataset needs to follow the same data pre-processing process.
However, when I take the exe of cross-validation and input the exe of pre-processed data (from unseen dataset), I got the error below.
Could you please advise me where I made a mistake here?
I had attached my rmp file and error message for your kind reference. 

Thanks much in advance.

Best Answer


  • HeikoeWin786HeikoeWin786 Member Posts: 64 Contributor I
    Hello @mschmitz

    Much appreciated for your kind clarification here.
    Indeed, this is what I was missing.
    Well noted!

    Much thanks.
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